Our Mission
Educate. Entertain. Empower.
Never underestimate the power of children, their desire to learn, their need to understand nor their will to help.
Kids Think Big LLC brings big ideas to children via responsible publishing and electronic media to educate, entertain and empower them at every age.

Our Products

Award-Winning Book: Think Green!
Think Green! is more than a book about the environment, it is the 1st children’s illustrated book with its own eco audit. Think Green! is a book for our youngest generation, about children, thinking and acting green everyday to help keep our earth clean and safe for all people, animals, fish and birds and includes a page to write and draw in new green ideas and characters.
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Interested in a book signing by Author Jeanine Behr Getz?
From Our Blog
Eco Interview: Talking Toxins with Amy Ziff 2016
Do you or your children have food or chemical allergies? Has your life been touched by cancer?Do you think your government protects you against harmful chemicals in your water, food and consumer products?Do different “certification” labels on food, consumer goods and...
That’s the Last Straw!
Make America Plastic Straw Free Again!
When I am paddle boarding the amount of floating plastic that I encounter along the way blows me away.
The majority of the offenders
…KTB EcoFind
#checkthemout! KTB wants to share with you our new eco finds, they will range from safer product solutions to awesome .orgs doing the world good! This month we want to highlight Take3. Why Them? Because their message is clear & sincere, their “action step” is...
“Think Green! is one of the 5 top Environmental Reads for kids.”
-Books for Kids